Hello, my name is Annie Curran and this is my blog on the geography of cosmetics.
Benefits of homemade face masks Face masks and face scrubs seem to be a pretty big thing at the moment and not only shop bought ones but homemade ones too. people often make homemade facemasks for fun, to save money and if they are allergic to other products so they know what's in it. homemade facemask recipes can be found all over the internet and can have amazing benefits for your skin. homemade facemasks can be made out of many ingredients such as avocado, honey, lemon or even charcoal. These natural ingredients provide many benefits of the skin such as removing blemishes, exfoliating and moisturising the skin. The products we put in homemade face masks come from all over the world and we can control what we make out face masks out of unlike shop bought facemasks which often contain many chemicals which can cause skin allergies an...
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